History of Homeschool
Current info about History Homeschool is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest History Homeschool info available.
Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to History Homeschool than you may have first thought.
Pre-1850s - Many children are educated in private schools or in the home; grammar schools are available in many larger towns, but attendence is not forced. Parents had the right to choose and it wasn’t questioned!
1842 - Charlotte Mason is born in England
1852 - Massachusettes declares a compulsary education law for all
Mid-1800s - McGuffey Readers are a popular choice for educating at home
1870’s - PNEU (Parent’s Educational Union) formed in England
1870 - By now, all states provided free elementary school
1885 - C Mason gives series of lectures, later published as Home Education
1891 - C Mason moves to Ambleside, England
1891 - C Mason establishes House of Education to train teachers
1893 - Dorothy Sayers is born
1912 - The School in Your Home (Berle) asserts that mass education has failed
1918 - Compulsory education attendence laws now enacted in all 50 states
1920s - debates begin over how to properly enforce compulsory attendance in schools
1923 - C Mason dies
1923 - John Holt, Father of Unschooling, is born
1948 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares compulsory education a “human right”
1955 - Mary Pride, renown homeschooling author, is born
1960s - The Moores begin to research the validity of formal early childhood education
1964 - J Holt first publishes How Children Fail
1967 - How Children Learn (Holt) is publised
1970s - The modern homeschool and “deschooling” movement quietly begins in America
1975 - Better Late than Early (Moores); asserted formal education should be postponed til later in childhood
1977 - Growing Without Schooling (Holt) magazine first published
1977 - J Holt coins the term “unschooling”
1980s - Homeschool movement begins in force with much grassroots and pioneering efforts underway
1983 - Homeschool Legal Defense Association founded
1985 - J Holt dies
1986 - The Big Book of Home Learning, Volume 1 (Pride) is published
1989 - Homeschooling is now legal in all states
1991 - John Taylor Gatto, NY State’s ‘91 teacher of the year, announces his reason for retirement
1994 - H.R.6 Bill defeated; if passed it would have potentially required all teachers (even homeschoolers) to be certified
2000 - Patrick Henry College opens; first college specifically for homeschooled Christian students
Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in History Homeschool. When people start looking for more information about History Homeschool, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.